Please dont expect to see "real" game . its just demo which demonstrate
I will use Cocos2d-x the HTML5 version which means you can take the code and compile it
To iOS and desktop and android see previous tutorial
- Players registration
- Players movements
- All clients get updates from the server about other players
- gem and bombs and collisions detection not implemented yet , but there is initial code there
please ignore it for now.
Go and download the client project from GitHub :
Go to previous tutorial and create new cocos2d-x HTML5 project .
Called PixelRunJS
After done creating the project copy the game files and overwrite the default files.
Go to previous tutorial and create new cocos2d-x HTML5 project .
Called PixelRunJS
To run the game client in the browser we need to download some HTTP server.
it can be : Apache / tomcat / nginx what ever , i use this personal web server called Mongoose
which is used in embed devices like cars .....
(yeah ... look in the "about" in the multimedia console in your car ).
I will not explain the very simple files which are just class's which hold data to be used in game .
Player.js: Player class representation.
Protocol.js : misc data structures and simple functions that are used in the game.
other files you can ignore
Lets dive in with the main files :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | var websocketMng = null; var LayerController = cc.Layer.extend({ winsize:null, ctor:function () { this._super(); this.winsize = cc.winSize; return true; }, onEnter:function () { this._super(); websocketMng = new WebSocketNode(); websocketMng.init(); var logInlayer = new LogInlayer(websocketMng); var gameLayer = new GameLayer(websocketMng); var layer = new cc.LayerMultiplex(logInlayer,gameLayer); this.addChild(layer, 0); } }); var LayerControllerScene = cc.Scene.extend({ onEnter:function () { this._super(); var layerController = new LayerController(); this.addChild(layerController); } }); |
Lines 2- 17 : load the game first layer initialize the game objects
the websockets/LogInLayer/GameLayer class's
The base layer will be of type "LayerMultiplex" in cocos2d-x it means it will load 2 scenes and switch between them .
The first Layer that will be load is The LogInlayer.
Lines 20 - 25: load the main Scene and add the layer controller as child.
This class is the login module , the first screen which the player see when loging to the game
The player set its name , press "LogIn" button ,
Few things are happening behind the stage.
- The Connection to the WebSockets server is established
- The Server creates the player session
- The Player instance is created in the client
- The next Layer is switched , this is the main game layer.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 | var loginSprite = null; var m_websocketMng = null; var winsize = null; var LogInlayer = cc.Layer.extend({ ctor:function (_websocketMng) { this._super(); m_websocketMng = _websocketMng; winsize = cc.winSize; return true; }, onEnter:function () { this._super(); loginSprite = Login.initSprite(); loginSprite.x = winsize.width / 2; loginSprite.y = winsize.height / 2; this.addChild(loginSprite, 0); } }); var Login = cc.Sprite.extend({ Editbox:null, EditBoxText:null, serverofflineLabel:0, ctor: function(){ this._super(); }, onEnter:function () { this._super(); this.initWithTexture(cc.textureCache.addImage(res.blank_png)); this.setTextureRect(cc.rect(0,0,500,400)); this.setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5); this.setColor(cc.color(0, 50,111,50)); this.setXY(cc.winSize.width/2,cc.winSize.height/2); // Create the textfield this.Editbox = new cc.EditBox(cc.size(180,50), new cc.Scale9Sprite(res.yellow_edit_png)); this.Editbox.setFont("Ariel",25); this.Editbox.setPlaceholderFontColor(cc.color(255, 0, 0)); this.Editbox.setPlaceHolder("Enter Name:"); this.Editbox.x = this.getContentSize().width/2; this.Editbox.y = this.getContentSize().height/2; this.Editbox.setDelegate(this); this.Editbox.setFontColor(cc.color(5, 4, 10)); this.Editbox.setMaxLength(20); var LogIn_item = new cc.MenuItemFont("LogIn", this.onMenuLogInCallback,this); var menu = new cc.Menu(LogIn_item); menu.x = this.getContentSize().width/2; menu.y = (this.getContentSize().height/2) - this.Editbox.getContentSize().height; this.addChild(menu,1); this.addChild(this.Editbox,1); this.serverofflineLabel = new cc.LabelTTF("Server is down\ntry again in few seconds", "Arial",60); this.serverofflineLabel.x = cc.winSize.width/2; this.serverofflineLabel.y = (cc.winSize.height/2) - 200; this.parent.addChild(this.serverofflineLabel,3); this.serverofflineLabel.opacity = 0; }, editBoxTextChanged: function (editBox, text) { this.EditBoxText = text; }, onMenuLogInCallback:function(sender){ //send player name the server this.serverofflineLabel.opacity = 0; var msgProtocolObj = new MsgProtocol(); msgProtocolObj.player_name = this.EditBoxText; msgProtocolObj.end_player_pos_x=(winsize.width / 2).toString(); msgProtocolObj.end_player_pos_y=(winsize.height / 2).toString(); msgProtocolObj.status = 0; m_websocketMng.sendMassage(msgProtocolObj,this); }, switchToGame:function() { this.parent.parent.switchTo(1); }, setXY:function (x,y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } }); Login.initSprite = function () { var login = new Login(); return login; }; |
Lines 33 - 38:initialize the background texture .
Lines 40 - 48:initialize the textbox
Lines 50 - 58:initialize the "LogIn" Button.
Lines 73 -83:In this callback function is triggered when pressing the "LogIn" button.
The MsgProtocol container is initialized and the player name and position and status is set.
Line:82:prepering the massage to be send to the server .
the game not switching right away to the GameLayer" it will first do validetion process of the new user in the WebSockets class ( the m_websocketMng object )
Lines 85 - 87: Switching to the "GameLayer scene" , this done after the player successfully validated in the server triggered from the WebSockets class ( the m_websocketMng object) .
Continue to PART 5 client code where we examine Websockts.js
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