If you remember i I mentioned before about client prediction method , which makes the game to look
As it runs smooth without getting verification on each move . only authentication about the moves.
And if its wrong it will correct the position .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 | var spriteFrameCache = cc.spriteFrameCache; var spriteFrameCacheGems = cc.spriteFrameCache; var TAG_PLAYER_NODE = 2; var TAG_GEM_NODE = 1; var TAG_BOMBOMB_NODE = 1; var ZORDER_PLAYER_NODE = 4; var ZORDER_GEM_NODE = 1; var player = null; var players ={}; var gems = [] ; var endPlayerPos = null; var distance = null; var directionX = null; var directionY = null; var startY = null; var startX = null; var speed = 300; var distance = null; var m_websocketMng = null; var counter_from_server_tmp =0; var gemBomb = null; var scoreLabel = null; var GameLayer = cc.LayerColor.extend({ sprite:null, winsize:null, player_seq:0, otherPlayersMoved:false, ctor:function (_websocketMng) { m_websocketMng = _websocketMng; this._super(cc.color(0, 128, 255, 255)); this.winsize = cc.director.getVisibleSize(); //cc.winSize; var listener = cc.EventListener.create({ event: cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE, swallowTouches: true, onTouchBegan: function (touch, event) { var touchLocation = touch.getLocation(); if(player!=null) { //float can't maintain its value "as is" , so it will be saved as string //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/588004/is-floating-point-math-broken endPlayerPos = touchLocation; player.setEndPosX(endPlayerPos.x); player.setEndPosY(endPlayerPos.y); distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((endPlayerPos.x - player.x),2) + Math.pow((endPlayerPos.y - player.y),2) ); directionX = (endPlayerPos.x - player.x) / distance; directionY = (endPlayerPos.y - player.y) / distance; if(isNaN(directionX) || isNaN(directionY) ) { directionY = directionX = 0; } startY = player.y; startX = player.x; player.startAnim(); player.setMoving(true); } return true; }, onTouchMoved: function (touch, event) { //this.setPosition(this.getPosition() + touch.getDelta()); }, onTouchEnded: function (touch, event) { } }); cc.eventManager.addListener(listener, this); this.schedule(this.gameLoop); }, onEnter:function () { this._super(); var visibleOrigin = cc.director.getVisibleOrigin(); scoreLabel = new cc.LabelTTF("0", "Arial",80); var scoreLabelcontentSize = scoreLabel.getContentSize(); this.addChild(scoreLabel,20); scoreLabel.setPosition(cc.p(visibleOrigin.x + scoreLabelcontentSize.width, visibleOrigin.y + winsize.height - scoreLabelcontentSize.height)); var msgProtocolContainer = m_websocketMng.getMsgProtocol(); spriteFrameCache.addSpriteFrames(res.char_anim_plist,res.char_anim_png); player = Player.initSpriteFrame(spriteFrameCache.getSpriteFrame(this.getImageByState(states.PLAYER_B)), states.PLAYER_B, msgProtocolContainer.msgProtocol.player_name, msgProtocolContainer.msgProtocol.player_id); player.setXY(this.winsize.width / 2,this.winsize.height / 2); this.addChild(player,ZORDER_PLAYER_NODE,TAG_PLAYER_NODE); //check if players exists if(msgProtocolContainer.msgProtocol.hasOwnProperty("players")) { for (var i = 0; i < msgProtocolContainer.msgProtocol.players.length; i++) { this.AddOtherPlayerOnRegister(msgProtocolContainer.msgProtocol.players[i]); } } //handle gems if they exists if(msgProtocolContainer.hasOwnProperty("msgProtocolGems")) { this.scatterGems(msgProtocolContainer.msgProtocolGems); } //set this object to websocketMng so it can delegate back to here function calls m_websocketMng.setObjByStatus(this,null,100); }, scatterGems:function(_msgProtocolGems) { if(_msgProtocolGems.hasOwnProperty("simple_gems")) { for (var i = 0; i < _msgProtocolGems.simple_gems.length; i++) { this.AddBasicGemsToGame(_msgProtocolGems.simple_gems[i], _msgProtocolGems.simple_gems[++i]); } } if(_msgProtocolGems.hasOwnProperty("bomb_gems")) { for (var i = 0; i < _msgProtocolGems.bomb_gems.length; i++) { this.AddBombGemsToGame(_msgProtocolGems.bomb_gems[i], _msgProtocolGems.bomb_gems[++i]); } } }, AddBasicGemsToGame:function(_basicGem_x,_basicGem_y) { var gem1Basic = Gem.initSprite(null,states_gems.SIMPLE); this.addChild(gem1Basic,ZORDER_GEM_NODE,TAG_GEM_NODE); gem1Basic.x = _basicGem_x; gem1Basic.y = _basicGem_y; gems.push(gem1Basic); //cc.log("gem1:"+gem1.x+" "+gem1.y); }, AddBombGemsToGame:function(_bombGem_x,_bombGem_y) { spriteFrameCacheGems.addSpriteFrames(res.gem_b_anim_plist,res.gem_b_anim_png); gemBomb = Gem.initSprite(spriteFrameCacheGems.getSpriteFrame(this.getImageByState(states.BOMB)),states_gems.BOMB); this.addChild(gemBomb,ZORDER_PLAYER_NODE,TAG_BOMBOMB_NODE); gemBomb.x = _bombGem_x; gemBomb.y = _bombGem_y; gems.push(gemBomb); //cc.log("gemBomb:"+gemBomb.x+" "+gemBomb.y); }, AddOtherPlayerOnRegister:function(_ResponseFromServer) { var otherPlayer = Player.initSpriteFrame(spriteFrameCache.getSpriteFrame(this.getImageByState(states.PLAYER_B)), states.PLAYER_B, _ResponseFromServer.player_name, _ResponseFromServer.player_id); var x_ = parseFloat(_ResponseFromServer.end_player_pos_x); var y_ = parseFloat(_ResponseFromServer.end_player_pos_y); //otherPlayer.setXY(this.winsize.width / 2,this.winsize.height / 2); otherPlayer.setXY(x_,y_); var otherplayer_id = otherPlayer.getId(); players[otherplayer_id.toString()] = otherPlayer; //cc.log(Object.keys(players).length); this.addChild(otherPlayer,1,TAG_PLAYER_NODE); }, deletePlayer:function(_ResponseFromServer) { var p = players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()]; this.removeChild(p); delete players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()]; }, updateOtherPlayerOnMovment:function(_ResponseFromServer) { var p = players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()]; players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()].pushToResponsesList(_ResponseFromServer); if(players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()].player_x_r.length == 0 && players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()].getAnimStatus() == false) { players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()].startAnim(); } players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()].player_x_r = players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()].player_x_r.concat(_ResponseFromServer.player_x_r); players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()].player_y_r = players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()].player_y_r.concat(_ResponseFromServer.player_y_r); if(parseInt(_ResponseFromServer.collision_status) == 9) { players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()].simple_gems = _ResponseFromServer.simple_gems; players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()].bomb_gems = _ResponseFromServer.bomb_gems; players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()].status = _ResponseFromServer.status; players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()].player_id = _ResponseFromServer.player_id; players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()].utc_timestemp = _ResponseFromServer.utc_timestemp; players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()].score = _ResponseFromServer.score; players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()].collision_status = _ResponseFromServer.collision_status; console.log("players["+_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()+"].collision_status:"+players[_ResponseFromServer.player_id.toString()].collision_status); } counter_from_server_tmp++; }, updateScoreAndGems:function(_player) { var simple_gems = _player.simple_gems; var bomb_gems = _player.bomb_gems; for(var i =0 ; simple_gems.length;i++) { this.searchAndRemoveSimpleGems(simple_gems[i],simple_gems[++i]); } }, searchAndRemoveSimpleGems:function(_simple_gems_x,_simple_gems_y) { for(var i=0;i<gems.length;i++) { var xx = gems[i].x; var yy = gems[i].y; if(_simple_gems_x == xx && _simple_gems_y == yy) { //remove from game layer this.removeChild(gems[i]); //remove from gems array repo gems.splice(i, 1); break; } } }, gameLoop:function (delta) { //http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/23447/moving-from-ax-y-to-bx1-y1-with-constant-speed //handle other players movment if(Object.keys(players).length>0 ) { for(var i=0;i<Object.keys(players).length;i++) { var playerKey = Object.keys(players)[i].toString(); if(players[playerKey].getResponsesList()==null) { continue; } //cc.log("playerKey:"+players[playerKey].player_name+" "+players[playerKey].serverResponsesList.length+" "+players[playerKey].player_id); if(players[playerKey].getResponsesList().length == 0) { continue; } //get the first response from server var stopAnim = 0; var playersResponsesListLen = players[playerKey].getResponsesList().length; if(players[playerKey].player_x_r.length > 0) { var x_ = parseFloat(players[playerKey].player_x_r.shift()); var y_ = parseFloat(players[playerKey].player_y_r.shift()); //console.log("FROM GAMELOOP:"+players[playerKey].player_name+" x:"+x_); //console.log("FROM GAMELOOP:"+players[playerKey].player_name+" y:"+y_); console.log("players[playerKey].player_name:"+players[playerKey].player_name+" players["+playerKey+"].collision_status:"+players[playerKey].collision_status); players[playerKey].move(x_,y_); if(players[playerKey].collision_status == 9) { //this.updateScoreAndGems(players[playerKey]); cc.log("players[playerKey].collision_status"); //players[playerKey].collision_status = 0; } } } } if(player.getMoving() == true) { var x = directionX * speed * delta; var y = directionY * speed * delta; //console.log("PLAYER:"+player.player_name+" x:"+x); //console.log("PLAYER:"+player.player_name+" y:"+y); player.move(x,y); var playerRect2 = player.getTheBoundingBox2(); //cc.log("Player x:"+playerRect2.x+" y:"+playerRect2.y); //client adds a sequence number to each request //client send move state var msgProtocolObj = new MsgProtocol(); //IMportent as deleta time is part of the calculation of each client , we need to send direction * speed //player_x and player_y will be used only for player prediction validation msgProtocolObj.player_x = x.toString(); msgProtocolObj.player_y = y.toString(); msgProtocolObj.player_seq = this.player_seq.toString(); msgProtocolObj.status = 2; msgProtocolObj.collision_status =0; msgProtocolObj.player_id = player.getId(); //keep track of the end move or the player msgProtocolObj.end_player_pos_x=endPlayerPos.x.toString(); msgProtocolObj.end_player_pos_y=endPlayerPos.y.toString(); msgProtocolObj.stop_player //keep track of the player movement for client side prediction and Synchronization //player.movmet_sequence_history.push(MsgProtocol); //As hashmap player.movmet_sequence_history[msgProtocolObj.player_seq] = msgProtocolObj; //send the predicted movment to the server //m_websocketMng.sendMassage(msgProtocolObj,this); //this.player_seq++; //var isCollision = player.BorderCollisionDetection(this.winsize); //Clollison var playerRect2 = player.getTheBoundingBox2(); var gemsToDelMap = [] ; var xx ,yy = 0; for(var i=0;i<gems.length;i++) { var gemRect = gems[i].getBoundingBox(); if ( cc.rectIntersectsRect(gemRect,playerRect2 ) ) //if(cc.rectContainsPoint(playerRect2, cc.p(gemRect.x,gemRect.y))) { cc.log("cc.intersectsRect(gemRect,playerRect2 )"); if(gems[i].state == states_gems.SIMPLE) { //inc the player score when it hit the gem if(xx != gems[i].x && yy != gems[i].y) { xx = gems[i].x; yy = gems[i].y; //cc.log("inside rectIntersectsRect:xx:"+xx+" yy:"+yy); //cc.log("inside rectIntersectsRect"+gems[i].getPosition().x+" "+gems[i].getPosition().y); player.score++; gemsToDelMap[i.toString()] = gems[i]; scoreLabel.setString(player.score); //remove from game layer this.removeChild(gems[i]); //remove from gems array repo gems.splice(i, 1); //inc the for loop i++; } } } } if(Object.keys(gemsToDelMap).length>0) { this.handleGemCollided(gemsToDelMap,msgProtocolObj); } //handle game window border if((Math.sqrt(Math.pow(player.x-startX,2)+Math.pow(player.y-startY,2)) >= distance) ) { player.setMoving(false); player.stopAnim(); msgProtocolObj.stop_player = 1; //m_websocketMng.sendMassage(msgProtocolObj,this); } m_websocketMng.sendMassage(msgProtocolObj,this); //console.log("PLAYER:"+msgProtocolObj+" y:"+y); this.player_seq++; } }, //End Game Loop //Handle the player and the gems collided and send to the server handleGemCollided:function(_gemsToDelMap,_msgProtocolObj) { if(Object.keys(_gemsToDelMap).length>0 ) { //var msgProtocolObj = new MsgProtocol(); //IMportent as deleta time is part of the calculation of each client , we need to send direction * speed //player_x and player_y will be used only for player prediction validation _msgProtocolObj.player_name =player.player_name ; _msgProtocolObj.player_id= player.player_id; _msgProtocolObj.utc_timestemp= getUTCTimestamp(); _msgProtocolObj.simple_gems = []; _msgProtocolObj.bomb_gems = []; _msgProtocolObj.score = player.score; _msgProtocolObj.collision_status =8; //Extract the gems to send to the server , the keys are the positions the server set to the gems for(var i=0;i<Object.keys(_gemsToDelMap).length;i++) { var gemsToDelKey = Object.keys(_gemsToDelMap)[i].toString(); var gemX = _gemsToDelMap[gemsToDelKey].x; var gemY = _gemsToDelMap[gemsToDelKey].y; if(_gemsToDelMap[gemsToDelKey].type == states_gems.SIMPLE) { _msgProtocolObj.simple_gems.push(gemX); _msgProtocolObj.simple_gems.push(gemY); } if(_gemsToDelMap[gemsToDelKey].type == states_gems.BOMB) { _msgProtocolObj.bomb_gems.push(gemX); _msgProtocolObj.bomb_gems.push(gemY); } } //var buf = Encode(msgProtocolObj); //cc.log("FROM CLIENT SCORE:"+buf); //m_websocketMng.sendMassage(msgProtocolObj,this); } }, syncPlayerActions:function(_ResponseFromServer) { var fraud = true; var i =0; //handel the client prediction and the server response . //1. check the last seq element first if it is in the client history var srv_player_seq_len = _ResponseFromServer.player_seq.length; var srv_player_seq_elm = _ResponseFromServer.player_seq[srv_player_seq_len-1]; //create new copy of player so it not be affected from the main player instace which get updated in the game loop var PlayerCopy = player; //cc.log("Create new PlayerCopy"); //check if there is seq tag in the client history hash if(srv_player_seq_elm in PlayerCopy.movmet_sequence_history) { //get the msg_protocol from client by the seq name from server var cln_msg_protocol = PlayerCopy.movmet_sequence_history[srv_player_seq_elm]; //check if there is match var srv_player_player_x_r_elm = _ResponseFromServer.player_x_r[srv_player_seq_len-1]; var srv_player_player_y_r_elm = _ResponseFromServer.player_y_r[srv_player_seq_len-1]; if(cln_msg_protocol.player_x == srv_player_player_x_r_elm && cln_msg_protocol.player_y == srv_player_player_y_r_elm) { //If it got to this point this mean that the history from this point and back needs to be cleaned fraud = false; PlayerCopy = null; //cc.log("Delete PlayerCopy"); } } }, getImageByState:function(stateimg) { //cc.log("stateimg:"+stateimg); switch(stateimg) { case states.PLAYER_B: { return "l0_sprite_b_1.png"; } case states.PLAYER_Y: { return "l0_sprite_y_1.png"; } case states.PLAYER_R: { return "l0_sprite_r_1.png"; } case states.BOMB: { return "sprite_gem_b0.png"; } } } }); |
Lines 30 : The class constructor .
Lines 35-40: setting the touch listener , to support single touch each time.
Lines 42-61:we need to calculate the direction between the touch and the position of the player
For this when the user of the game touch the screen the position of the touch is saved and also distance and the the direction .
Lines 73-74:The initialization of the EventManger which takes the listener object that was defined.
then the game loop starts (the scheduler ) and calls the gameloop function.
Note that there is also game loop in the server . the real game logic will be happening in the server
Here the game loop will only be used to move the objects .
Lines 79 -96: When layer is created there are 2 phases.
1. Object initialization and this is when the constructor is called
and then
2. When layer is done rending this is when OnEnter called .
In this function we set the player in its first position .
Lines 100-102: Checking if there are also extra "Players" which we need to render.
This mean that when the player is created on the server , the server also will add to the player the additional player that are in the game .
Lines 152 - 164: AddOtherPlayerOnRegister this function will create new Player on the client game
those player will be driven only by the data that is received from the server .
Lines 167-171:deletePlayer this function will delete the player from the screen and also from the
player[] hash map
Lines 173-193: updateOtherPlayerOnMovment when response from there server arriving with value 4
when this function is called few actions is taken
1. the player get fatched from the player map by the player id
2. check is preformed to see if the movement array (player_x_r ,player_y_r ) contains data
3. start the player animation id does .
Lines 229 - 263: The main GameLoop this function is divided to 3 main parts.
first is the part where it takes cars the "other players" which are the players connected to the server
and we can see them in our client . on each tick of the game loop ( which means every time the gameloop function get called).
the loop will check if there are players that needs to be handled .
Lines 270-297:The second part of the gameloop . in this part the current player is handled
and the client prediction mechanism kicked in . in short what this mean is that the player
no matter what keeps moving where it is supposed to more .and the movements are kept in the :
movmet_sequence_history Array in lines 281 - 293 we are creating the protocol object that is
ready to be send to the server but JUST NOT NOW.
Lines 397-425: The Third part is where the client start to synchronize with the data that is received from the server. the data will be always what is calculated ( in our case only the player movements)
step before the present movement . this is the client side prediction verification.
if it out of sync it will correct it self on the client .
Thats it ! Start the server , run multiple browser clients and see them move .
I hope you had fun to learn some new stuff .
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